
Governance Structure, including Terms of Reference

The Governing Board, with the Headteacher, has overall responsibility for the running of the school.

Governing Boards have three core strategic functions:

 Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

 Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and

 Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Instrument of Government sets out the constitution of the School's governing body.

Governing bodies are accountable in law for all major decisions about the School and its future.  However, this does not mean that they are required to carry out all the work themselves.  Committees and individuals can be given delegated authority to make decisions and monitor, evaluate and review particular plans, policies and targets. 

At Perran-ar-worthal CP School, the Full Governing Body (FGB) carries out much of its work through its two main committees:  the Curriculum, Standards & Engagement Committee and the Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee. There are also committees covering Pay & Performance and Headteacher's Performance Management; as well as a number of panels that are convened as required.  The FGB decides the constitution, membership and terms of reference of all committees, which are reviewed annually. Functions that cannot be delegated are outlined in the terms of reference for the FGB.